How we Normalise Gender Bias in India

How we Normalise Gender Bias in India

There is a very distinct difference between sex and gender. The former refers to the biological makeup of a person and the latter is the social distinction between how a man and a woman is supposed to “conform to society.” A lot of issues relating to safety for women and men arise from this.

For example, it’s not wrong for boys to cry or for girls to be tough but we still find ourselves saying things that prejudice against genders. How many times have you said the following statements without realising its implications:-

How we Normalise Gender Bias in India

How we Normalise Gender Bias in India

How we Normalise Gender Bias in India

How we Normalise Gender Bias in India

How we Normalise Gender Bias in India

How we Normalise Gender Bias in India

How we Normalise Gender Bias in India

How we Normalise Gender Bias in India

Can Gender Sensitisation from an Early Age Reverse this?

The sexist comments we hear so often are part of a vicious cycle that sustains and perpetuates gender bias in our society. We cannot completely eliminate it overnight, but we can take conscious steps and change the way we say (and see) things. What we say has and will have a positive or negative impact on those around us, especially our children. By gender biasing in our day to day life, we are inculcating the same in our children, which, as we see from examples in our society, may lead to negative actions.

Make Gender Sensitisation Compulsory right from the Schools

If gender sensitisation is taught early on, it can lead to a complete make-over of the way our society functions. We can finally live in healthy, respectful environments that have equal space and opportunities for all genders. And finally bid goodbye to regressive and dangerous attitudes pervading among us. Both boys and girls should be taught early on how to treat the other ‘sex’ and not let age-old conditioning affect them.

Join Tata Tea’s movement to make gender sensitisation programmes compulsory in schools. Sign the petition by clicking clicking on this link or by calling 7815966666 toll free.

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