A Letter to Pedestrians from an Open Manhole

Fact: Five people in India die daily by falling into open pits/manholes.

*Source: NCRB

Dear Pedestrians,

Remember me, that open manhole you walked past by, only a few days ago? Let me jog your memory.

Remember you were walking along and almost fell into me?

Remember you cursed me under your breath, and then just walked away?

Remember you threw an empty packet of chips into me and looked around to see if anyone caught you doing that? Well, I did, but I guess you didn't notice me.

Remember when it rained and I overflowed on to the streets? People didn't know that my lid was open and they fell into me.

Remember when you were walking again by my street, oblivious to my existence and suddenly found yourself falling into me, a world of filth that existed beneath the pavement?

Remember the crowd that gathered around me? Around you? Remember how embarrassed you were? How guilty was I. Remember how you had to be pulled out, a stench surrounding you that reeked more of helplessness than of anything else?

How you all flung expletives at me. How you all shook your heads in disbelief and blamed the system for yet another accident.

And how you all walked away. And yet you are here again, walking on my street, being cautious of your step. Reminiscing about how nothing ever changes around here. If only you had walked on another street. If only someone had covered me. If only someone had seen me.

If only someone had done something.

Yours failingly,

An Open Manhole.

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