Citizen speak on solutions for India's water crisis


"70% of Earth is water. Are you telling me we are going to run out of water?"

"Enough water is recycled everyday. We don’t have to worry!"

These are some of the statements often made when the conversation of water conservation is on the table. We call water the elixir of life, but how often do we really give it much thought before we go about wasting water on a day to day basis?

Especially now, with the increasing scarcity of water everywhere and more and more areas struggling with droughts in the country, keeping a check on our water usage is more important than ever.

While it is your call to cut back on the number of showers you take daily or how you wash your dishes, your small actions on a daily basis amount to a lot. Your simple call to turn the faucet off while brushing can save up to 2.5 gallons of water per minute.

There are a million ways to cut down on water wastage, but they all start with the will to do it. On the account of World Water Day on 22nd March, several citizens from all around the country came forward to talk about the burning issue that water crisis is as they shared their thoughts during our Twitter chat with experts @indiawater and @WaterAidIndia.

Here are some of the highlights:

Realising the problem

Taking actionable steps


Views expressed here are of the individuals alone and do not necessarily represent that of the brand.

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