A Conversation with Radhika Vaz - The Need for Gender Sensitisation in Indian Schools

Despite the recent outcry on violence against women, our society is still debating on the need for gender sensitisation in India. We still fail to understand the issue of threat to women's safety, and hence, we fail to discuss the possible solutions. With the 'Alarm Bajne Se Pehle Jaago Re' chapter, many experts and concerned citizens have come forward to discuss the issue and possible solutions.

We met Radhika Vaz, a writer and comedian who passionately speaks up on the need for gender sensitisation in schools in India. Here's what she had to say:



Make Gender Sensitisation Compulsory in Schools

We have to move now to make gender sensitisation a non-negotiable reality in India. Only when children are taught from a young age the importance of being gender equal, will the future of our country change.

Join Tata Tea to make this change happen by signing the petition to make gender sensitisation programmes compulsory in schools. Click on this link or call 7815966666 (toll free) to register your petition.

Alarm Bajne Se Pehle Jaago Re!

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