How to help your child manage stress at school

With increasing competition and societal and peer pressure, academic stress is getting the better of our children today. Reports of adverse effects on them are commonplace today, with anxiety and depression sometimes leading to extreme steps like suicide.

Parents tend to get frustrated with little know-how on how to cope with the situation. Sometimes they unintentionally discourage them and further drive them to isolation, and over pressurising them.

Here is a good tip that parents can use to help reduce academic related stress on their children

Tell your child it’s okay - tips to help your child get over the stress of being academically stellar

Avoid 'I told you so' cliches

When children are already struggling, these kind of statements do more damage, kids fear disappointing their family. 'Rubbing it in' does more harm than good and parents tend to alienate them from their children instead of offering to be a source of support.

Being too judgmental/lecturing too much rather than simply listening to children

Many parents fall into this trap. The fact is that only children that feel accepted and respected will perform better in school than the kids that feel stifled or controlled. Letting them open up and listening to them non-judgmentally will bring out the best in them, moreover it will nurture your relationship with them.

Understand and support your child’s capacity and interests

It's important for you to acknowledge and give room to your child's interests and let it be nurtured. All children are not the same and every child will have his/her own set of skills or talents. You can help build their confidence by letting them shine in doing what they love.

Help them meditate and relax

Meditating at an early age will set the ground for your child. Include mindfulness and breathing techniques or other tools to help them relax and rejuvenate their thoughts.

Make sure they ask for help

Remind your kids that it's okay to ask for help - be it academics, mental health or stress. Encourage them to seek help. Keep yourself handy with resources for parents on trained specialists, and help your child find counselors at the school campus.

With increased stress levels, children can be very sensitive and retreat into their own shells, which can often be detrimental to them. Burden of studies and expectations can be overwhelming, and the right attitude and support from parents can make all the difference.

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